Hypnobirthing - Preglife Courses


Price: 4000 SEK (the price also includes a partner/support person)

We are happy to offer Hypnobirthing to you who are expecting a child!

With our excellent Hypnobirthing course, you get the tools to dare to give birth with greater confidence! The course is by lovely Frida Detter, who has coached parents to be since 2016.

Our course is based on KGHypnobirthing, which differs from other American Hypnobirthing methods as the course has a special part dedicated to how you can better navigate the healthcare system and make informed choices. The course is recommended by the Royal College of Midwives in England.

Hypnobirthing is a method where you prepare and strengthen yourself mentally before giving birth using various techniques; we work with positive thoughts, affirmations, relaxation, visualization, breathing, concentration and deep relaxation. Simply put, Hypnobirthing helps you through various exercises to take control of your birth by letting your body do it’s work & give birth in greater peace – without letting your thoughts disturb the process.

You learn to disconnect fear and anxiety – helping your body to work undisturbed during birth – which favours your natural pain relief hormones and increases the release of oxytocin which starts the contractions in the uterus. Therefore, Hypnobirthing mothers feel more comfortable because the calmness helps them to accompany the contractions instead of working against them.

Part of Hypnobirthing is also having in-depth knowledge about the physiology of birth and how your body works both on a muscular and hormonal level, as well as how our bodies are affected by stress and anxiety, and at the opposite end of security, peace and quiet.

“The hypnobirthing was incredibly helpful and absolutely fantastic. It took a while to find our collaboration between Kalle and me, but when it worked, it really worked! I never felt any need for pain relief even when it got tough. I would love to do it all over again a thousand times, it was the coolest and most empowering experience I’ve ever had, thanks to the hypnobirthing.” Karolina Gustavson

Why the word Hypnobirthing? Will I go into some kind of uncontrollable trance?

No one will perform any hypnosis on you, but you do a kind of self-hypnosis or better explained, a deep relaxation. You decide and have total control. The skills you learn are incredibly nice and useful not only for the birth but also during the years as a parent.

For over a thousand years, hypnotherapy techniques have been practiced to treat psychological habits and behaviors such as phobias, addiction, stress, pain, etc. It is mainly used for the purpose of changing or getting rid of a certain thought pattern.

In Hypnobirthing we focus on fear, anxiety and stress that already exists or are triggered by your environment, and replace them with positive thoughts. When we find a positive focus and focus on it really hard, the brain shuts out everything else around. Being able to shut off the surroundings and “go into your own birth bubble” is an advantage for you who have a planned hospital birth where the surroundings are new and unfamiliar. Through hypnobirthing techniques, you can more easily stay in your rest and digest system. Something that is especially important during an induced labor or caesarean birth.

Is Hypnobirthing for me? The answer is yes if you are pregnant

It doesn’t matter how, when, or where you plan to give birth, the method benefits you who are planning a water birth at home or induction in a hospital. The important thing is that you and your partner/support person are informed and feel safe and equipped with practical tools to help you stay calm and relaxed during labor and empowered to make the right decisions for you and your baby.

IMPORTANT things to consider BEFORE you take the course:
– We warmly recommend you to attend our free of charge Birth Basics Class to get good information about the different phases during childbirth as well as the other pain relief methods that are available.
– In your booking confirmation, there is a link and code to the 3 hour long preparatory material (available on a platform called “Teachable”) that you should have done before the actual live webinar in order to get the most out of the course.