Webinar Baby Care Class
Price: 845 kr / person
Choose 1 delegate when you book . The class fee is eligible for you and a partner/birth support person of choice.
Our highly appreciated class is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to feel more at ease and confident in your parenting role after giving birth. An experienced pediatric nurse will guide you through a newborn baby’s needs during the first weeks so that you can interpret your baby’s signals more easily. Our aim is to empower you with the confidence and understanding needed to navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood. We believe that by enhancing your knowledge and boosting your confidence, you’ll be able to embrace the incredible journey of becoming parents with a greater sense of comfort and assurance.
Subjects that are covered:
Having a newborn in Sweden – routines and medical checkups at BVC
Sleep and sleeping positions
Understanding the baby’s signals, the baby’s skin/rashes
Pee and poop
Nutrition / feeding the baby
Practical tips on how to bathe and take care of a newborn baby
Child safety, prevention of SIDS
Theres is always room for your questions.
The Baby Care Class is recommended from pregnancy week 25. It is 2 hours in total.
A link to the meeting will be sent out by email 24 hours prior to class, and a reminder 1 hour before the class starts.
Welcome to this important class!