Preglife Birth Basics Sweden - Preglife Courses

Preglife Birth Basics Sweden

Free of charge

Preglife is passionate about birth preparation. We know it makes a big difference in optimising your chances for claiming a positive experience.

This class is led by the experienced midwife Åsa Holstein, the founder of “The Positive Birth Story Podcast” and the COO of Preglife.

During the class, Åsa will:

-give you basic information about labour and birth in a Swedish hospital
-cover the different stages during labour and birth
-walk you through the available pain relief options
-and help you in how to navigate what other classes to book – to feel fully prepared to give birth and to welcome your newborn baby with greater confidence

The class is 1 hour in total and has room for your questions by the end.

Please enroll 1 participant even if you like to attend with your birth support partner.

The Zoom link will be sent out (to the email you enrolled with) 24 hours prior to class and a reminder 1 hour before.